Online store regulations , which is property

 Kathy Home & Style Ltd

 5 South Charlotte Street,

 Edinburgh EH2 4AN

 Company No 561865 ,

 Corporation Tax Reference - 623 40674 13693

 Companies House

 Register Of Companies For Scotland

1. These terms and conditions of business and delivery govern the relationship between the buyer and the seller in a given area. The sale of goods between Kathy Home & Style LTD, as the seller, and its customers, i.e. natural persons and legal persons acting as part of their business or profession (called hereinafter referred to as the "Customer") as buyers.

The provisions of the commercial and delivery terms and conditions constitute an integral part of the purchase contract. Terms and Conditions of Trade and Delivery apply to all purchase contracts entered into between Kathy Home & Style Ltd and the Customer, unless otherwise agreed.

● Kathy Home & Style Ltd reserves the right to unilaterally change or supplement these terms and conditions of business and delivery in the future, which the Customer acknowledges and agrees to. Changes to the commercial and delivery terms and conditions enter into force upon publication on the website The parties to the contract are bound by the content of the commercial and delivery terms and conditions applicable on the date of conclusion of the purchase contract.

● Before making a purchase, the Customer is obliged to read the terms and conditions of sale and delivery of Kathy Home & Style Ltd. By placing an order, the Customer confirms that he has read these terms and conditions of sale and delivery, that they are clear, obvious and understandable to the Customer and that he has agrees with them. These sales and delivery regulations are posted on the online store's website, which enables its archiving and reproduction by the Customer.

● For other terms of trade and delivery to be valid, the written consent of Kathy Home & Style Ltd is always required

2. Commercial offer

● Applicable prices are published on the website

● Kathy Home & Style Ltd. may publish short-term offers linked to promotional prices in the online store. The customer acknowledges that when placing an order, he or she has access to the offer valid at the time of placing the order, i.e. at the time of delivery of the order to Kathy Home & Style Ltd. In the absence of a short-term offer, the offer from the currently valid price list on the store's website applies.

● Kathy Home & Style Ltd can prepare a special offer based on the Customer's individual order (for larger quantities), which means that the possibility of Kathy Home & Style Ltd concluding a purchase agreement on individually negotiated terms is not limited to the above.

3. Order / Conclusion of a contractual relationship

● The customer acknowledges that displaying goods in the online store does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code. The Customer's order is a proposal to conclude a contract, i.e. an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code.

● The order must include the quantity and type of goods ordered, in accordance with the offer published on the website Kathy Home & Style Ltd. Orders can be delivered via the Internet on the website

● Kathy Home & Style Ltd will confirm receipt of your order by email.

● Kathy Home & Style Ltd reserves the right to decide to confirm an order, even if only partially, i.e. Kathy Home & Style Ltd is not obliged to accept the Customer's order and is not liable for any failure to deliver the goods, i.e. rejection of any order or its some of it.

● The purchase contract is concluded between the parties by confirming the order by Kathy Home & Style Ltd to the Customer. The confirmation sent by e-mail is considered to be an order confirmation. An automatically sent notification of order acceptance is not considered binding acceptance of the order. The customer acknowledges that any offer for sale of goods is non-binding and Kathy Home & Style Ltd is not obliged to enter into a purchase contract in respect of such goods.

● In the case of an order via the website, information about the individual technical stages leading to the conclusion of the contract results from the ordering process in the online store. Before sending the order to Kathy Home & Style Ltd, the customer has the opportunity to check and change the data provided in the order, also taking into account the possibility of detecting and correcting errors that occurred when entering data into the order.

● The customer consents to the use of means of distance communication when concluding the purchase contract. The costs incurred by the Customer when using means of distance communication in connection with concluding a sales contract (costs of Internet connection, telephone calls and others) are covered by the Customer on his own.

4. Delivery terms

● Kathy Home & Style Ltd provides transport of ordered goods offered in the online store in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The transport and packaging fee varies depending on the size of the order, i.e. from 80 - 300 Kc (4-12 €)

● The customer acknowledges that the delivery dates given on the website are for information purposes only and are therefore not binding on Kathy Home & Style Ltd. The delivery dates given on the website are subject to change in accordance with applicable contracts with suppliers. These deadlines may be extended, especially if the Customer ordered goods in larger quantities. In such cases, the Goods may be delivered on a date other than the general delivery date, of which the Customer will be informed.

● The customer acknowledges that delivery times quoted are indicative only and Kathy Home & Style Ltd shall not be liable for failure to meet the stated delivery date. Delivery times may be extended, especially in the event of unexpected circumstances beyond the control of Kathy Home & Style Ltd, such as unexpected force majeure, strikes and other obstacles beyond the control of Kathy Home & Style Ltd. This also applies to situations where such circumstances occur among Kathy's suppliers Home & Style Ltd. The customer acknowledges that due to the indicative nature of delivery dates, Kathy Home & Style Ltd is not liable for non-compliance with them, i.e. the customer is not entitled to make any claims against Kathy Home & Style Ltd for non-compliance with these indicative deadlines, i.e. Kathy Home & Style Ltd is not liable for any damage caused by failure to deliver the goods within this deadline.

● The customer is obliged to confirm receipt of the goods with a signed document. If this is not done, Kathy Home & Style Ltd has the right to refuse to release the goods to the Customer. The risk of damage to the goods passes to the Customer upon receipt of the delivered goods.

● The customer is obliged to check the quantity and condition of the goods immediately after receiving them from the carrier and write down any visible defects in the consignment note. Subsequent complaints may not be accepted.

● Delivery of goods to the Customer may be divided into partial deliveries, which the Customer understands and agrees to when concluding the contract.

5. Invoicing of deliveries

● Kathy & Home Style Ltd. issues an invoice - a tax document - to the Client.

● The invoice will be delivered to the Customer together with the goods or will be sent by post or e-mail to the address indicated by the Customer in the order, to which the Customer expressly consents.

● Any objections to the contents of the delivery note or invoice must be made in writing and reported without undue delay, but no later than two weeks after delivery. If the Customer does not raise any objections within the prescribed period, the content of the delivery notes or invoices will be deemed approved.

6. Payment terms

● Together with the purchase price, the Customer is obliged to pay Kathy Home & Style Ltd the costs related to the packaging and delivery of the goods in the agreed amount.

● The customer may choose the following forms of payment for the ordered goods: payment card, electronic transfer via an external payment system in the house operated by 

● In the case of a cashless transfer, the purchase price is considered paid when the appropriate amount is credited to Kathy Home & Style's account.

● In the case of a cash on delivery purchase, the customer is obliged to pay for the received goods upon delivery.

7. Discounts

● Kathy Home & Style Ltd may provide customers with various types of discounts, reserving the right to also grant customers the so-called contractual discounts, i.e. individual discounts granted to specific customers on the basis of a contract.

● The amount of the discount granted is indicated on the invoice.

8. Reservation of ownership

● Ownership of the goods passes to the Customer only after full payment of the purchase price in accordance with the purchase contract, i.e. all goods delivered to Kathy Home & Style Ltd remain the property of Kathy Home & Style Ltd until the purchase price is paid in full. The customer is obliged to properly store the goods and, if necessary, to properly insure them at his own expense in the event of fire, flood, theft, etc.

9. Quality guarantee

●Goods sold in the store are covered by manufacturers' warranties.

● The warranty runs from the date the customer receives the goods.

● The warranty does not cover:

● Product defects resulting from the act or omission of the Customer or a third party, damage resulting from violation and use inconsistent with the user manual,

● defects caused by unprofessional or unreasonable treatment of the Client or a third party,

● defects resulting from an unavoidable event (e.g. natural disaster),

● wear and tear caused by normal use of the product.

10. Complaints, warranty repairs, warranty

● The customer is obliged to check the goods upon receipt, i.e. in particular to check the correctness of the delivered goods, their completeness and visible damage during transport. In the event of an incorrect quantity and obvious defects of the goods upon delivery, the Customer is obliged to immediately submit a complaint in writing. The customer has the right to refuse to accept a shipment that is inconsistent with the purchase contract or order. If the Customer takes over a damaged shipment in this way, it is necessary to describe the damage in the written receipt of the goods. If they do not do this, Kathy Home & Style Ltd may not honor any subsequent claims.

● The customer is obliged to submit a complaint regarding defects in the delivered goods in writing to the email address

● Kathy Home & Style Ltd will collect the complained goods from the Customer at its own expense.

● Claims due to defects in the delivered goods and the deadline for considering complaints are regulated by the relevant provisions of law in their current version. If Kathy Home & Style Ltd concludes a purchase contract, the provisions of Act No. 634/1992 Coll. apply. consumer protection will apply. In such a case, Kathy Home & Style Ltd will consider the complaint in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act immediately, and in complex cases within three business days. This deadline does not include the time appropriate to the type of product or service needed for a professional assessment of the defect. The complaint, including the removal of the defect, will be considered by Kathy Home & Style Ltd without undue delay, no later than 30 days from the date of filing the complaint. The 30-day period may be extended after submitting a complaint in consultation with the Customer, especially if it is necessary to purchase spare parts from a foreign manufacturer.

● In other cases, Kathy Home & Style Ltd will also consider the complaint within 30 days from the date of receipt of the complaint, provided that in the case of repair or replacement of the complained goods, this period is extended if it is necessary to purchase the necessary spare parts from a foreign manufacturer , may be reasonably extended, of which Kathy Home & Style Ltd will inform the Customer.

● In the event of an unauthorized complaint, i.e. if the Customer knew, had and could have known that Kathy Home & Style Ltd is not responsible for the defect (e.g. because the Customer caused it himself), the Customer is obliged to return Kathy Home & Style Ltd costs of transporting the goods and any other costs incurred by Kathy Home & Style Ltd in connection with an unauthorized claim, e.g. costs of processing a quote, etc.

● The consumer may demand that the goods be repaired or replaced with a new one, an appropriate price reduction or withdrawal from the contract (if the defect is significant).
If the buyer's first request is a price reduction or withdrawal from the contractKathy Home & Style Ltd may not honor this claim. ThenKathy Home & Style Ltd may, without any inconvenience to the buyer, replace the defective item with a defect-free one or remove the defect. Repair or replacement of the goods should take place within a reasonable time and is free of charge. Please remember that you can only withdraw from the contract if the non-conformity of the consumer goods with the contract is significant.

Warranty period

The seller is liable for the goods purchased by the consumer for a period of 2 years.

Warranty complaint

●Complaint form

A complaint can be submitted in any form. You must keep the confirmation, so it is worth choosing the written form. The complaint should include a description of the defect and the consumer's claim.

●Deadline for submitting a complaint.In EU countries, the period for submitting a complaint is no shorter than 2 months from the discovery of the defect.Kathy Home & Style Ltd  will consider the consumer's complaint within 14 days (calendar) of its submission. Exceeding this deadline means that the complaint will be considered justified.

11. Withdrawal from the contract and return of goods

● The customer, if Kathy Home & Style Ltd concludes a sales contract with the customer, has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason within 14 days from the day following receipt of the goods, provided that the goods received, including accessories and all documents provided with this order, will be returned to Kathy Home & Style Ltd without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the date of notification of withdrawal from the contract. Withdrawal from the contract may be made in writing by delivering the written withdrawal to the address of the registered office of Kathy Home & Style Ltd indicated in point. 1 of these terms and conditions of business and delivery or in electronic form by sending an e-mail, write to the  The cost of returning the goods is always borne by the customer, regardless of the value of the returned goods, even if the goods cannot be sent back by regular post due to their nature. The Customer or Consumer will deliver the goods to the registered office of Kathy Home & Style Ltd together with a cover letter possibly containing the reason for withdrawal from the sales contract (providing the reason for withdrawal is not required by law, it does not affect the validity of the withdrawal, it is only a tool aimed at improving the quality of services Kathy's Home & Style Ltd, providing the invoice number and, if applicable, the method of refund for the goods other than the one used by the Customer or Consumer to make the original transaction regarding the purchase of the goods.

● The customer is obliged to return the goods complete, with complete documentation, undamaged, clean, including the original packaging, in the condition and value in which the goods were received. The customer acknowledges that if the returned goods are incomplete, worn or damaged, including the original packaging, in the condition and value in which the goods were received, he is not entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract. If the customer damages the goods, Kathy Home & Style Ltd is entitled to compensation for the damage caused by the customer, and Kathy Home & Style Ltd has the right to claim compensation for a reduction in the value of the returned goods. Kathy Home & Style Ltd has the right to unilaterally set off the claim for payment of the damage incurred against the Customer's claim for refund of the purchase price, i.e. it may reduce the refunded purchase price by an appropriate amount.

● If the Customer has successfully withdrawn from the contract, Kathy Home & Style Ltd will refund him without undue delay, no later than fourteen days from receipt of the withdrawal, all payments received from him under the contract, including delivery costs (except for additional costs incurred in connection with delivery method selected by the Customer or consumer other than the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the Seller), using the same payment method used by the Customer to make the first transaction, unless the Customer expressly specifies otherwise.

● The Customer is not entitled to withdraw from the contract also in the cases of contracts specified below, according to which, in accordance with the law, the Consumer is not entitled to withdraw from the contract:

● a) for the supply of goods or services, the price of which depends on fluctuations on the financial market, regardless of the seller's will, and which may occur during the withdrawal period,

● b) about the delivery of goods that have been modified in accordance with the Customer's request or for his person,

● Kathy Home & Style reserves the right to withdraw from the contract in the event of an obvious typographical error regarding prices or product descriptions in the product catalog.

12. Technical support, installation

● Kathy Home & Style will provide the Client with the necessary information.

13. Data protection, consent to sending advertising

● The customer consents to Kathy Home & Style Ltd storing and processing his personal data for its own use, in particular marketing, market research, database collection, etc.

● The client consents to Kathy Home & Style Ltd sending unsolicited advertising offers in any form.

● If the Customer wishes to withdraw consent to sending unsolicited advertising offers, he or she is obliged to notify Kathy Home & Style Ltd in writing.

● The provisions of section. apply to all data provided by the Customer. 101/2000 Sb., Personal Data Protection Act, as amended. The Kathy Home & Style directory contains current identification details for Kathy Home & Style Ltd and an updated list of customer contacts. All handling of Customers' personal data is regulated by provisions No. 101/2000 Coll., the Personal Data Protection Act, as amended, and other legal provisions in force in the Czech Republic. By voluntarily deciding to order goods from the catalog, the customer declares that he is aware of all the above facts and consents to the further processing of his personal data for the purposes of the activities of Kathy Home & Style Ltd.

14. Other terms

● The contractual relations between Kathy Home & Style Ltd and the Client are subject to the legal system of the Czech Republic. If a consumer is a party to the contract, although these terms and conditions of sale and any legal regulations governing the rights and obligations of consumers also apply to the contractual relationship between Kathy Home & Style Ltd and the consumer. In the event of a conflict between these terms and conditions and the contract, the contract shall prevail.

● The Customer and Kathy Home & Style Ltd acknowledge that any disputes arising from sales contracts concluded between the Customer and the seller are resolved by the court having jurisdiction over the registered office of Kathy Home & Style Ltd.

 ● If any of the above provisions of these terms and conditions of business and delivery become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

Kathy Home & Style Ltd These GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS of Kathy Home & Style Ltd are valid from 05/10/2023 V